Startseite > IKEA > gelöste Beschwerde-Nr.: 193114 > Eingabeformular Firmenantwort
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I have bought several things at IKEA. Great products. So in appreciation IKEA sent me a 10 franc coupon. I am a IKEA family member. On 17.05.2019 I found some items and gave my 10 franc coupon. The system did not take the coupon. I complained and the clerk said the system will not take the coupon there is nothing she can do. So I called IKEA. They said the call costs. 08 rappen per minute. The automated service asked me for the ZIP code. I gave 8957. The system said IKEA 8957 does not exist. Hello IKEA has been here for 15 years. And at the end I had to answer a long questionair. I was never able to talk to a person and was charged for the call. If you recieve a coupon from IKEA do not expect that it will be accepted. My coupon was not expired see attachment.

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